Mercury Magic

By Maressa Brown

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Mercury Magic starts with a breakdown of natal astrology’s basic building blocks, including the purpose of a birth chart (a blueprint documenting the position of the planets when you were born), how to find Mercury’s position in a chart, and other key symbols and definitions. In Part One, readers discover astrological must-knows about the messenger planet and how Mercury retrograde works, as well as how to thrive during these periods—especially in career, in relationships, and in wellness. Part Two maps Mercury’s “seasons” (aka its journey through each of the twelve sun signs), offering up tips for when it’s direct, or moving forward, and tricks to call upon when it’s retrograde.

Part Three dives into natal Mercury signs, the position it was in when you were born, breaking down the superpowers, challenges, and compatibility with other signs while Part Four is a guide to Mercury’s house placement, which shows where in life your unique communication abilities play out. In other words, it’s a book about the magic of the messenger planet, based on the timeless wisdom of the zodiac, without all of the fearmongering about Mercury retrograde.

From the Author

The truth is that Mercury retrograde has quite a bad reputation. But given that it happens so frequently (three or four times a year for three weeks at a time!), and, like every other astrological event, presents as many opportunities as it does challenges, I was motivated to create an optimistic, empowering guide to working with the often misunderstood transit and not just surviving but actually thriving during retrogrades. Mercury Magic will also help you make the most of Mercury’s trip through the zodiac and familiarize yourself with Mercury in your birth chart, so you can feel even more confident communicating and connecting with others all year long.  

It’s also my hope that by learning about and harnessing the power of the messenger planet, you’ll feel more self-assured about your ability to celebrate and share your unique perspective. Perhaps that could lead you to bring your most whimsical dreams and boldest ideas into being—something that’s nothing short of magical.

If you’d like to support the book, ordering a copy would mean the world to me.

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